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Creating Creative ‘Meet The Team’ Pages (With 23 Brilliant Examples)

meet the team profiles

What makes a great meet the team page? It’s one that shows of the talents, achievements and the personality of your staff. The best team pages are creative, fun and help potential customers engage with your staff.

Top 10 Meet The Team Pages Featured In This Post

Want a Tl;Dr?

Studio Airport
Wise and Hammer

This post was getting a little bit old so I decided to update it. You can find the original list down below – I cannot vouch for them all working anymore! I know that Hitreach have merged with another company now and you can no longer nosey at what is on their desks!

Jump to different sections:

Great Examples Of Meet The Team Pages From Around The Internet – 2017/2018 Update

Meet The Team Pages From Around The Internet 2013/2014/2015/2016

What Content To Include In Your Meet The Team Pages

Recommended WordPress Plugins For Meet The Team and Staff Pages

Questions And Templates For Meet The Team Pages

So here we go…

Great Examples Of Meet The Team Pages From Around The Internet – 2017/2018 Update

#PRO SEO Tip of 2018 for what to do with your employees and team pages?

Don’t delete them!

Kayak might not think that they need those links but why would you just leave em hanging?

backlink profile in ahrefs

Left some links on the table there…

Broken backlinks

Anyway – off to business!

Why would you want great team and staff pages? Why have a meet the team page?

  • If you do it well it can lead to links for SEO – case in point 😉
  • It helps you stand out in a crowded pace – give the marketing team a bit of branding they can sink their teeth into
  • Help your clients and prospective clients get a feeling for the people that they do or might work with
  • Get your companies personality across
  • Get your employees credentials and experience across

The Corporate (ish) Big Boys

1. Kickstarter – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

There is nothing too flash about this one  – the staff bios are limited to a couple of lines. But it fits the kickstarter brand. The images are not uniform – which every designer will tell you is a no go – usually.

There are no surnames on any of the photos – which keeps it nice and friendly. This works well because it says in the team section at the top that half of the 119 people on the list work as part of the community. The best thing about it? I can filter it by stuff like Metal Heads!

Meet the Team Page example

Not something I would have expected from Keith!

2. Etsy – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

Okay. So the top is pretty standard. Here are our top people. They have been here a while. They worked at cool places before. You should trust them – they lead well.

Etsy then have a cool bit below that that has a pic of every member of the team – no small feat when you have so many staff – and I should imagine some turnover – even if it is a great place to work.

Meet the Team Page example

The Ones With Things That Move

3. Humaan – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

The ones with things that move  – you know those meet the team pages with staff pictures that change or evolve or move when you hover over them? They have been pretty popular for years now. The thing is they create engagement for the user and they often get links because they end up on lists like this one.

So this one borders in hipster chic but what the hell – I like Rubiks Cubes and pineapples!

4. Atlassian – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

So the leadership team not only have there own bobble heads – but the bobble heads move!

It’s a bit boring before and after that but I couldn’t let it slip through without a mention.

5. Lateral – see it here

A case of “it ain’t broke don’t fix it” here. You can find Lateral further down this list form 4 and half years ago. They have more moving faces in there now.

6. Studio Airport – see it here

How come it is always creative agencies and branding agencies that come up with the fun ones? Check out this one as the small team shine lights on each other and a few pour water downwards (I assume on to whoever joins the team next).

The Really Imaginative Ones

7. Wise and Hammer – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

A lovely set of portraits that are delivered in several different styles set this group of brand strategists apart from the competition a little bit.

8. FCInq – see it here

As you might expect from a creative agency. There is a quote that borders on pretentious (but the right side) and then some cool clickable bubbles that connect the different members of the team via matched colours and some slight movement and fading.

Meet the Team Page example


Keeping Your Staff Bios Simple

Sometimes you don’t need to take it off the wall or out of the box or wherever people tend to like to take these things. Sometimes simple is right.

9. Rocksauce Studios – see it here

Meet the Team Page example

10. Sparkbox – see it here

A simple click on Braun’s face throws up his social profiles. Ideal for web designers that deliver beautiful simple web design.

Meet the Team Page example

Recommended WordPress Plugins For Meet The Team and Staff Pages

There are plenty of these out there! Many are older than a couple of years old and haven’t been updated recently. We wouldn’t recommend that you use a plugin that isn’t actively updated.

Sometimes you don’t have the funds or the time – nor the inclination if we being honest – to get all this kind of work done. You are busy doing your normal work. There are a few plugins that can help you out though. So here you go.

Team Members

Get it here –

Meet the Team Page example


Get it here –

Meet the Team Page example

Questions And Templates For Meet The Team Pages

One of the biggest problems with the meet the team and staff bio pages isn’t the actual creation for the pages themselves. There are always people who have plenty of ideas! Sometimes you can have too many ideas…

The biggest issue I have come across over the years is getting people to write the content about themselves. It turns out that us Brits don’t like talking about ourselves. Getting your team members to write their bios can be tough.

With that in mind here are some boiler plate questions you can ask to get the content that you need to create the pages. You need to create a team profile template that can be used over and over again. Make sure you create a employee bio example for them to work from, remove as much friction as possible.

  • What is your experience?
  • How did you get into the industry?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What are your expert areas?
  • What do you like most about your job?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What is your favourite film/band/food?
  • Do you own pets?

A combination of questions that relate to work and to what you do out of work will humanise your brand and helps people make decisions when they are looking for a supplier. You may also find that people you currently work with like to put a personality  to who they are working with.

It is important that these pages don’t waffle too much – keep everything short and sweet!

Make sure that you get a professional photographer in and make sure the staff photos on the website are of the best quality.

Some Additional Resources

How TO – “Meet The Team” Page – creating meet the team pages with responsive CSS

Creating a “Meet The Team” Page in WordPress – step by step instructions and example code for making your own meet the team pages in WordPress

Need Some Inspiration? Some Quick Ideas For Great Pages and Examples Of Creative Bios

  • Use video – this is underused at the moment on these sorts of pages
  • Use cartoons – have you got shy employees? Consider cartoons or illustrations instead
  • Highlight specific projects that each member has worked on
  • Use stats – there have been some great pages built around both funny and serious stats
  • Come back to the fun employee profile questions, funny website bios
  • Look at other sites for meet the team examples and trends

Meet The Team Pages From Around The Internet 2013/2014/2015/2016

The original post in all its glory…

Boom Online Marketing have grown considerably over the last year and added a number of new team members. All of us are active in blogging on the site and in social media so we’re keen to pull all that information together into handy Meet the Team profiles.

This led to a discussion about how we could best represent the team in a unique way on the site. How could we showcase our personalities and skills in a creative way? How could we make sure that what we created would be on brand, not stuffy and dull? Is there a way it could help our SEO and maybe net us some links?

We took to Twitter to get some recommendations of interesting and creative team pages we could learn from, both in and out of the online marketing niche. We got lots of great suggestions and picked up a few lessons along the way…

What Content To Include In Your Meet The Team Pages

Photos of the team

Well I think this goes without saying! I would favour photos over cartoon representations, allow people to see the team – the people that are actually working on their projects or are likely to be working on their projects.

Bios that aren’t two lines of bland text

You hired your team for a number of reasons, don’t let them take the stiff British upper lip and get all coy about themselves. Write bios that reflect who you are, what you do – both inside and outside of work – allow people to make connections.

Social profiles

It’s likely that a number of your team will be on social media in some form or other. Make sure that you aren’t connecting them to their drunken weekend twitter account though – you need to keep some professionalism! Add your LinkedIn account, the team’s personal blogs; just make sure you haven’t hooked in their Google Buzz account.

Links to expert work

If you are doing any kind of online marketing its likely that one member (or more) of your staff are writing guest posts somewhere – add them to the bios, let people see where they are and what else they writing. If the directors are speaking publicly then make sure there is a calendar of where and when it is all happening – some of the best connections are made at conferences and speaking gigs.

Something that makes it unique

Allow yourself to stand out; don’t be stifled by what came before. Understand who your target market is and then think how you can creatively address them.

Humour (industry dependent!)

Humour isn’t always going to apply to every sector, make a decision early on as to whether it does for yours. If so you are in a position to make your team page more memorable than the next. Again make sure that the humour is aligned with the target audience in order not to alienate – approach with caution!

Here are 13 examples of creative, inspiring, linkable and shareable team pages. I encourage you to click through and have a look at them as a lot of them are interactive.

Some Fine Examples Of Fun Staff Bio Pages, Funny Employee Pages and Brilliant Team Examples

Think (Creative Design Agency)

Click on one of the team members to get a full bio – talking about inspirations and hobbies. This brings that team member to the forefront whilst making the others less prominent. The profiles also pull in tweets and latest posts.



Amazee Labs (Web Design)

Nothing flashy about this one. It’s a simple elegant design with just enough of a bio to help you connect. Contact details and social profiles are easily accessible.



Outside The Box (Creative Marketing Agency)

Another simply laid out page that gives you enough detail to make an impression. It’s business focused but mentions a few hobbies 😉



Hitreach (Web Design and SEO)

Not sure about the founder of this company 😉 but a well put together team page nonetheless! Hover over a picture to get a personal video. Click ‘see my desk’ to get an insight into their qualifications and hobbies.



Rock Kitchen Harris (Advertising and Design)

Lacking in detail of the team and who they are but is included for its nice touch with the photos of them as kids.



Distilled (Online Marketing)

The Distilled page has a few nice touches – there’s colour coding based on their office and you can hover over pictures for a less corporate photo pose. Click through for a more detailed bio with access to personal blogs and social profiles.



Fixel (Web Design)

This covers the bases with bios but wins out in quirkiness. Click the arrows on the right to see the top half of the team photos randomly match with the bottom. Also click on the moustache in the bottom left for an odd moustache addition!



Elegant Seagulls (Creative Agency)

Simple and elegant – nothing flashy. I’ve included this for the nice bios and the fact that it has some graphs on it!



Inflection – Big Data Platform

These guys do data and used that to inform their infographic style team page which even includes average workday caffeine intake stats!



Applicake (Software)

The team are represented by gifs. It’s fun and well designed. Click on a team member to scroll down to their bio – which includes work related info and also links to hobbies, map, music and social profiles.



Digital Marmalade (Digital Agency)

Know your target audience! This page appears to be a standard set of photos but when you click it flips over a top trumps style card that covers industry, personal and super hero!



Lateral (UX Design)

Hover over one of the team members and watch the others move their head to look at the one you are on. I think this would be better if it linked through to full profiles though.


Less Films (Video)

And winner of the most quirky – the bios are minimal and we don’t learn much, but its memorable – and that’s important too 😉


Benefits for Business

Gives a face to the company

People deal with people. It’s a cliché but it’s true. ‘Meet the Team’ pages give you the chance to the let the team’s (and by proxy the company’s) personality shine through. Be one step ahead!

“All things being equal, people prefer to do business with people they like. All things being not so equal, people still prefer to do business with people they like.” Jeffrey Gitomer

Showcase team skills and abilities

If prospective clients are still in the situation of making decisions of which company to contact, you can lay out your experience and skills on your team page beforehand.

Allow prospective employees to judge if they are a culture fit

None of us like wasting time. Both employers and potential employees want to know that they will fit into an existing team before they start. A solid team page will allow prospective employees to make that judgement themselves – before even thinking about applying for a position. Win–win!


Benefits for SEO

It was always going to come down to the SEO at some point! There are plenty of business reasons for team pages but does it make sense from an SEO/Social perspective?

It’s never going to set the world on fire but it’s going to bring some action to a deep page on your site:



With the right promotion and enough exposure a good quality team page can bring in some links – it becomes a linkable asset for any of your team that have a public profile. I think we can safely say that the Lateral page has earned itself a fair number of links.



A team page that has the edge when it comes to creativity or quirkiness has the potential to become shareable – many sites seem to have created these unique team pages but then forgot to make them shareable!


Aligns with Dan Shure’s Prop Words technique

If you haven’t read Dan Shure’s post on prop words you should go do so now – it’s highly recommended. Essentially it boils down to either leveraging existing assets (on your website or off) in order to spread your anchor text in a more natural manner.

With thanks to Chris Dyson, Chris Gilchrist, Sean Revell, Pak Hou Cheung for their suggestions and here’s a link for Barrie Moran for the chocolate run.

Looking for a digital marketing agency that can help improve your SEO ranking and create engaging content? Get in touch with us, we’re always happy to have a chat!

Wayne Barker

Wayne Barker

Wayne has been at Boom since like forever and specialises in SEO, Content and Outreach. An accidental entry into the world of SEO has left him with little spare time. When not at work or with his family, you can find him amidst a pile of records.View Author posts

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