Whether you are doing SEO on a budget or just need some quick wins without fancy tools, Google Docs can often provide the answer.
I have collected together my favourite docs and resources for helping you out with basic SEO, social media and content tasks – have fun!
(Not Provided) Report in Google Docs
What it does: Need to see how (Not Provided) is impacting a number of your sites in one nice little graph? Well Chris Le of Seer Interactive has created this fancy little Google Doc to allow you to do that.
Get the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Apam75iNJI9idFVpN2VRd2l0U2RIU0ZISjlwSHJqdGc
Get more detailed instructions: https://www.seerinteractive.com/blog/not-provided-report/
Google Scraper in Google Docs
What it does: Chris Le is at it again with a quick tool that allows you to quickly scrape the Google results for any keyword that you input.
Get the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Apam75iNJI9idHkteFpGYjNhcjRBeUxsRWI0VER6ZWc#gid=2
Get more detailed instructions: https://www.seerinteractive.com/blog/google-scraper-in-google-docs-update
Create your SEO Dashboard in Google Docs with Google Analytics and SEOmoz MozScape Data
What it does: If you need to pull together data from Analytics & SEOmoz – no expense spent – you might want to follow the instructions from this post by Aleyda Solis on how to create an SEO dashboard right in Google Docs. No coding skills are needed and the instructions that Aleyda provides are easy to follow.
Get the Google Doc here: N/A
Get more detailed instructions: https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/seo-dashboard-google-docs-seomoz-analytics/
Link Building
The Ultimate Link Building Query Generator
What it does: Created by Gaz Copeland, this Google Doc helps you to quickly build link building queries to fuel your campaign – find places to guest post, giveaway opportunities, authority domains and more.
Get the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgZW-NABddQKdFRFUGdPZjdSc05KcHJabUUyYkljaGc
Get more detailed instructions: https://stokedseo.co.uk/2012/10/17/query-generator/
Search Query Generator for Guest Blogging via Google Spreadsheet
What it does: This Google Doc from Jayson Bagio inspired Gaz Copeland’s query generator (see above). Using übersuggest it automatically pulls in a host of guest blogging opportunities based on keywords and advanced search query operators.
Get the Google Doc here: https://bit.ly/gpprospector
Get more detailed instructions: https://www.seoteky.com/search-query-generator-for-guest-blogging-campaigns-via-google-spreadsheet/
Guest Blog Prospector via Twitter and Google Docs – Teky Tools 2.0
What it does: Another Google Doc from Jayson Bagio – this time using Twitter to help you to find guest blogging opportunities.
Get the Google Doc here: https://bit.ly/tekytool2
Get more detailed instructions: https://www.seoteky.com/guest-blog-prospector-twitter-and-google-docs/
Content Strategy Generator Tool – V2 Update
What it does: This tool from Daniel Butler of SEOGadget is one of my favourites. If you are struggling to come with ideas for your blog or your content stratgey this little tool is always on hand to help. Using your keyword of choice you will be able to see what content is popular across a multitude of platforms and sites (Google News, Bing, digg, Twitter, YouTube and many many more).
Get the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj4U6wmYE1X6dDB5S1lDUXFzaTUxME5IRmJqZ2ozZGc
Get more detailed instructions: https://seogadget.com/content-strategy-generator-tool-v2-update/
Social Media
RSS Feed Social Share Counting Google Spreadsheet
What it does: Enter an RSS feed into the spreadsheets and sit back in amazement as it fetches the social counts from Reddit, Stumbleupon, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and a whole lot more. This deceptively simple tool created by Martin Hawksey can help you keep track of how popular your blog posts are. Or use it to figure out which is the most popular content on the most trusted sites in your niche – steal like an artist!
Get the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGkLMU9sHmLdEpiQjdtWDdKYXZLbG40REhfaVFvaXc&newcopy
Get more detailed instructions: https://mashe.hawksey.info/2012/06/rss-feed-social-share-counting/
Bonus Resource: Build your own Google Docs
Not found a tool above for what you need? Here is a great post by Tom Critchlow on building agile SEO tools using Google Docs so you can make your own.